Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Walking Sticks To Buy Melbourne


Wandering through the fish market, I found the squid "giant" and I thought it was perfect to do fillings, and, given the size, also had a nice scenic ...
Ingredients for 4:
- 4 giant squid
- 2 packages of Philadelphia Grand
- 500 g small shrimp peeled down
- 8
potatoes - salt
- laurel
qb - qb
rosemary - sage to taste
oregano to taste - garlic
taste - parsley
extra virgin olive oil - a glass of white wine

First wash and dry with paper towels squid. Prepare a mixture with salt, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, garlic and parsley. In a small bowl, mix the shrimp with Philadelphia, and with the help of a pastry bag, Fill the squid, taking care not to get to the ridge, as in cottira retire, and you can cause the leakage of the filling.
Peel the potatoes, wash and pat dry with paper towels, then with the aid of a mandolin, cut rondelline thickness of about 5 mm.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Arrange the squid in a baking dish, toss with oil and sprinkle with the chopped previously prepared and then, bake for 20 minutes.
Arrange the potatoes in a baking pan, and season with remaining oil and chopped, sprinkle with wine, and also bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. When
squid and potatoes are cooked, arrange them in the pot, and serve hot.

We like to accompany the dish with a new red, white or a sweet such as Muller Thurgau

Monday, December 14, 2009

Risk Kidney Stones Stuck


Fish ... love it .... I've always enjoyed with great pleasure the prawns, shellfish sublime flavor superfine .
I've always enjoyed, but never prepared .. I seemed unattainable when the other day, I love these shrimp, and taken from a shot of courage, I tried to cook them .. The result was
Yes, my friends were really pleased!
Step to show you this wonderful recipe: Penne with shrimp

4 servings:
- 15
shrimp - 320 g penne
- 125 ml cream
- 2 cups dry martini
extra virgin olive oil - salt
rosemary to taste - bay leaves to taste
garlic to taste -
sage to taste - parsley

oregano to taste Wash the prawns and dry them with paper towels. Prepare a mixture with salt, rosemary, bay leaf, garlic, sage, parsley and oregano. In a skillet, heat oil and fry the prawns seasoned with the mixture of spices, for about 10 minutes covered, then blend with a glass of dry martini, and continue cooking for another 5 minutes, still covered. Choose
4 scampi with both claws, and put by, will serve as a garnish to the dish and will be enjoyed separately. Other shelled prawns. Cook until al dente in salted water, pens. In a skillet, heat a little 'extra virgin olive oil, and crush the bodies of prawns, reducing them almost to a pulp. Soon as they're browned, season with a little 'previous preparation of chopped, and blend with the second glass of dry martini, then add cream, stir for two or three minutes, and add the reserved shrimp and allowed to warm to the gasket.
Before draining the pasta, add two tablespoons of cooking water to the sauce, and season the pasta until the water is absorbed.
Serve on plates, garnish with the prawns aside previously.

Ci piace accompagnarlo con un vino rosso novello.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Aoe2 Multiplayer No Cd Error

MEAT LOAF IN CRUST DOUGH BRISE 'and roast potatoes

Ecco il mio orgoglio!! Ebbene sì, era tanto, tantissimo tempo che avevo in mente di preparare il polpettone di carne ripieno in crosta, e finalmente ieri sera, avendo avuto amici a cena, ho deciso che era l'occasione giusta per elaborare questa mia ricettina.. Ed eccolo qua, un vero trionfo, ha avuto un successo inaspettato, e questo mi ha reso davvero felice, quindi ve lo presento:

ingredienti per 4/6 persone:

- 800 g di macinato magro sceltissimo
- 4 salsicce
6 eggs - 150 g permigiano grated
parsley - to taste
milk - 5 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
- 200 g spinach
- 2 packages of pasta brise '
- 2 glasses of white wine
8 medium potatoes - 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive
- 2 scoops of broth

First preheat the oven to maximum temperature.
In a bowl mix together the ground beef, skinless sausages, 3 eggs, 100 g of grated Parmesan cheese, parsley, 4 tablespoons bread crumbs and milk. Mix well so all ingredients can blend together perfectly.
Boil spinach in water without adding salt, not When cooked, drain well. Apart
beat the three remaining eggs by adding 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese and a tablespoon of bread crumbs, then prepare an omelet.
At this point, spread on a plate of waxed paper, on which lay the ground meat mixture, making sure to flatten it so that you create a work surface on which the frittata slowly first and last of the spinach that sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
With the aid of the parchment paper, continue to roll on itself meatloaf, make sure it is sealed and at this point the maximum temperature bake for 15 minutes. This allows you to seal the meat loaf, keeping in all the juices that will keep morbido.
Sbucciare le patate e tagliarle a cubetti piccoli, disporle in una teglia, unire i 4 cucchiai d'olio, il bicchiere di vino e i due misurini di brodo vegetale, mescolare velocemente e infornare.
Passati i 15 minuti, e appena si sarà formata la crosticina superficiale, sfornare il polpettone, stendere la pasta brise' e arrotolarla attorno al polpettone, il quale dovrà essere completamente avvolto dalla pasta, disporlo sulla placca da forno, bagnare col bicchiere di vino , abbassare il forno a 200° e infornare per altri 20 minuti.
Appena la pasta brise' si sarà dorata, sfornare il polpettone, affettarlo e disporre le fettine nei piatti, guarnire con le patatine e servire.
Buon Appetito!!

Ci piace accompagnarlo con un buon calice di Marzemino del Trentino.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pearl Jam Grand Rapids 2006 Bootleg


Oggi vi presento un'idea sfiziosa per un antipasto di mare che manda in visibilio gli amanti della pasta sfoglia come la sottosscritta!
In realtà il metodo è semplicissimo, e potete alternare il ripieno con qualsiasi cosa vi viene in mente: io, oltre alla ricetta che vi presento oggi, gli stessi fagottini li ho fatti in altre due maniere che, al termine della presentazione della ricetta attuale, vi illustrerò!!

ingredienti per 15 fagottini:
- 1 rotolo di pasta sfoglia rettangolare
- 15 code di mazzancolle
- 1 confezione di philadelphia grande

Per prima cosa, srotolate la pastasfoglia, lasciandola sulla sua cartaforno originaria, aiutandovi con un coltello affilato ma non seghettato, dividete il lato corto del rettangolo di pasta sfoglia in tre, e il lato lungo in 5, cosicché otterrete 15 rettangolini. Riscaldate il forno a 200°.
Con l'ausilio di un cucchiaino da caffè, disponete al centro di ogni quadratino, una piccola quantità di philadelphia, poi disponete sulla philadelphia, una coda di mazzancolla per ogni quadratino.
A questo punto, bisogna chiudere i fagottini: prendete il quadratino in mano, e per prima cosa, chiudete i 4 angoli unendoli in maniera opposta (l'angolino in alto a sinistra dovrà chiudersi con quello in basso a destra, e quello in alto a destra, con the lower left), finally, close the dough over itself remains open, forming almost a ball.
In figure how the dumplings are closed. Arrange the dumplings so obtained, on a baking sheet, taking care to place them with the side of the closure facing down, so that in cooking, swell, do not open as it happened to me (sigh.. Sob. ..) Bake for 15-20 minutes, and in any case as long as they are not beautiful golden surface. Let it cool, once removed from the oven, then serve.
This is the end result!
beginning I told you that you can put all the fillings you want: I will suggest these other two fillings, one savory and one sweet, the method is the same!
salt Filling:
- 1 Scamorzine smoked
- 70 g of bacon
Scamorzine Cut into small cubes, and disponetene 3 or 4 in the center of the square, above, have a slice of bacon, roll as before, and bake at the same temperature and for the same time as mentioned before.
Stuffed sweet
- 30 g of apricot jam
1 apple peeled and cut into small cubes an apple, and soak it in water and lemon. Place a layer of jam on the squares, distribute a teaspoon of apple cubes on the jam, close the dumplings as described above, bake as indicated above.
Good appetite!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Edu-science Telescopes


My friends, after a bit 'of silence, here I am back in the kitchen! In reality this sabbatical, I pulled out some recipe, and slowly the seed! Today I want you to taste the meatballs with tomato sauce, a delicious and easy recipe!

Ingredients for 10 dumplings:

- 300 g of ground from selected
- 2
pork sausage - 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
2 eggs - 80g grated parmesan
parsley - salt and pepper to taste
- flour as needed for the breading
- extra virgin olive oil to taste
- a clove of garlic
- 500 ml of tomato

In a bowl, put the ground, stripped the sausage, bread crumbs or whole eggs, Parmesan, parsley and adjust salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients with your hands so they can blend to perfection. Using a soup spoon, pick up small pieces of dough on the palm of the hand, and form small balls will have on a tray.

Put some 'flour in a bowl, and go to s'infarinino the meatballs on all sides.

Warm oil in a frying pan, and when it is hot, cook the flour until meatballs are beautiful golden on all sides.
Remove the meatballs from the fire, clean the oil pan cooked, and two tablespoons mettrene new, fine dice the garlic and cook it. As it becomes browned, add the tomato puree and cook for about 10-15 minutes. At this point, add the previously cooked meatballs, and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Impiattare e servire ben calde.
Buon Appetito!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Aspirin Effect On Kidneys


Si avvicina la stagione fredda, e con lei tutti gli acciacchi cosiddetti "di stagione".. Il più frequente è il raffreddore, noiosissimo specialmente, almeno per me, la notte, quando il naso è intasato peggio della tangenziale all'ora di punta, si respira con la bocca e ci si ritrova con la gola secca e tutta impastata...La mia cara mamma, per aiutarmi a guarire, mi ha insegnato a farmi il vin brule', bevanda miracolosamente medicamentosa you can taste or just been in the grip of influenza, but also as a drink to warm tout court from the biting cold.
There are two ways I know to prepare for the mulled wine ': a simple, one a little more elaborate. Explain them to you both, leaving you the choice of which prefer!
Simple version
ingredients for 1 person:
- 1 cup of good red wine
- 3 tablespoons sugar
Heat the wine in a saucepan, add sugar, stir and bring to boil. With the help of a long toothpick, set fire to the wine and wait has consumed all the alcohol.
Pour into a cup and drink hot.
processed version
ingredients for 1 person:
- 1 cup of good red wine
3 tablespoons sugar - 4 cloves
- 1 cinnamon stick
Heat the wine in the heat and add the sugar, cloves and vanilla bean. Mix and bring to boil. Using a long toothpick, set fire to the wine, and let all the alcohol is consumed. Strain the wine into a cup and drink hot.
If you try it as "Posture nose to drink it hot already tucked under the covers of the bed!
If the drink tasted like, you can accompany it with some sweet pastry!
Enjoy it!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fireflies By Ron Pope Piano Music

Thanks to Lory http://dolciesalatetentazioni.blogspot.com are aware of the blog of Adrian http://profumodilievito.blogspot.com .
Adriano was the victim of plagiarism. I think it's an ugly and unfair person performing such acts, should receive a punishment equal to that imposed on those who steal.
We are all masters of our work product of the intellect, and at least who intend to use it, should at least ask for permission.
I welcome the request of Hadrian, his posting on my blog post, a denunciation of what happened, and I urge all my readers to do likewise. Today happened to Adriano, tomorrow it could happen to anyone of us, and are always unpleasant events.
Thanks to all of you will join this initiative.


We are on the usual, forums and blogs have long been considered sites where we can draw with both hands without asking permission of any kind.

This time it's "a distinguished lady," the author (not novice) of the 'ownership unwarranted. "The October 6 was broadcast in a statement broadcast television, the new recipe lady in question, who happens to be a carbon copy of my http://profumodilievito.blogspot.com/2007/09/altra -my-passion-are-the-dolci.html , dated 2007 and I invented out of whole cloth, taken from the blog (or a forum in which I had placed my fist), never mind the Creative Commons license http : / / creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/it / , which states clearly what you can or can not put the material posted by me and at the bottom of which beg to ask for permission before using the I have written. The MIA apple pie e mandorle oramai già gira per la rete come ricetta della nota co-conduttrice, e come tale è anche sull’archivio della rete televisiva che ospita la trasmissione.

Ma è possibile che sia talmente facile e rimanga impunita l’appropriazione del lavoro altrui, spacciandolo (addirittura su una rete di Stato) per proprio?

Mi viene il dubbio che sia così, dal momento che la signora non è nuova a questa pratica: nel lontano 2003, Lydia, di Tzatziki a colazione http://tzatzikiacolazione.blogspot.com , vide pubblicata una sua ricetta http://tzatzikiacolazione.blogspot.com/2009/10/ci-risiamo.html (che per lungo tempo fu un tormentone che turned in various forums), again a simple copincolla, in a book whose author is the very lady whose recipes came from the broadcast in question. He speaks here http://tzatzikiacolazione.blogspot.com/2009/10/ci-risiamo.html , by the way I suggest you also try the white chocolate and lemon cake caprese, I liked a lot. It 'just so difficult to spend a few words about the authorship of others things, to safeguard the correctness of another's personal and work? In addition to these two cases, there are others which we will not at this time but a habit of denouncing the old given to this behavior to say the least unfair.

thank all those who wish linkare questo post e quello di Lydia

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Army Tank Birthday Cake


Eccomi tornata anche in questa mia creatura, ultimamente un po' abbandonata, e me ne scuso, ma l'estate prima, tremila accadimenti dopo, e di cucinare nemmeno l'ombra...In realtà qualche cosina l'ho fatta, ma ancora non l'ho postata...Spero di riuscire ad aggiornarlo con più costanza!!
Allora, per questo rientro, ho scelto il mio personalissimo ragù di pesce spada...Ve lo presento!!

ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 320 g di penne rigate
- 300 g di pesce spada a cubetti
- 4 cucchiai di olio extra vergine
- un bicchiere di vino bianco
- una cipolla bianca
- capperi dissalati qb
- 400 ml of tomato
- a measuring cup of vegetable broth

basil to taste In a skillet, heat oil and do you cook the onion, finely chopped. When it is golden. blended with white wine and add the diced sword, let them blow up quickly, then add the tomato puree, capers, measuring cup of vegetable broth and a few basil leaves, stir and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the penne in boiling salted water, drain when al dente and, once the sauce has retired, blow pens, cook for few minutes. E. Serve. Bon appetit!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Combination Calculator For Long Lists


Ecco la seconda ricetta estrapolata dalla cena all'Approdo del Duca a S.Stefano Camastra..In realtà è una ricetta rivista e corretta, in quanto a me è venuto fuori un tordello, in realtà sarebbero dovuti venir fuori degli involtini...Ma a quelli ci sto lavorando, e li posterò la prossima volta, ho intenzione di dargli un tocco molto grintoso, ma ci devo lavorare!!..Intando vi propongo questa versione: tordello di melanzana con sorpresa..E la sorpresa dove sta? Ma all'interno, naturalmente!! Infatti è farcito con un filetto di platessa e del Galbanino tagliato a fette sottili!
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 8 fette di melanzana spessa circa 5mm
- 8 filetti di platessa puliti e spellati
- 16 cut thin slices of Galbanino
marjoram to taste - 4 tablespoons extra virgin

white wine to taste Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Spread the eggplant slices first Lie down on the fillet of white and sprinkle with a little 'marjoram (I used the dried, but you can also use the fresh), spread the slices of Galbanino sliced \u200b\u200bthin and close to half, setting the tordelli with two toothpicks. Arrange the tordelli obtained on a baking sheet, sprinkle with the marjoram still a little olive oil and a drift of white wine.
Bake for 20 minutes. Once they have been cooking and oven, let stand for 2 minutes, then Serve.
Bon appetit!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wedding Congratulations Spanish

Kasparov Carlsen: Together to Win

07.09.2009 - The news is pretty impressive, what could happen if one of the greatest players in history and the most promising young man of the moment, join forces to challenge the chess world?

We must not wait long to know the answer, as Kasparov and Carlsen have officially announced that they are working on a project together, very simply, and teaches Kasparov Carlsen learn!

Young Boy Wonder "hired" the former world champion Russian as a personal trainer and training sessions have already started, as you can see from the photo below.

Kasparov Carlsen in a training session (Photo: ChessBase )

clothing very curious about a Kasparov, but given the technical means and his undoubted qualities as a player, I think that Carlsen could not choose better!

Confirming the partnership is the same as Magnus Carlsen, stating that the training sessions have been underway for six months, about the cost but did not want to say nothing, simply adding that "it is expensive." Espen Agdestein, is trying to find sponsors for Carlsen, and commented on the news this way, "While Kasparov is a living legend, Carlsen is the biggest attraction that exists in the the chess world today. This is the Dream Team. " In

of ChessBase we read that "the collaboration with Kasparov is initially intended to last throughout the next year, with possibility of extension. On September 15, Kasparov will arrive in Norway for another training session with Carlsen, who has twice been visiting Moscow. This summer Carlsen spent 14 days in a residenza estiva con Kasparov in Croazia.”

Kasparov ha aggiunto “In sei mesi di lavoro con Magnus ho visto in lui molte delle qualità dei grandi campioni”.

Sentiamo anche un commento di Carlsen: "Kasparov ha una grandissima capacità di lavoro, una grande determinazione e un perfezionismo estremo. Ora spero di migliorare in queste qualità. L'obiettivo è quello di diventare il numero uno al mondo."

Insomma, Kasparov ha sfidato e battuto i migliori scacchisti del mondo, ora nelle veste di allenatore è pronto a ripetere l’impresa, riuscirà a portare il Wonder boy alla conquista del titolo? Sarà troppo grande per Carlsen l’ombra Kasparov's attention that inevitably will capture all the tournaments which will accompany the young Norwegian?

We just have to follow the next few firms in the Dream Team!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Greco Roman Wrestling Schools Ny

Flash of Moscow: the Vince Grischuk

02.09.2009 - often see tournaments held throughout the lightning or RAPID of public gardens in the warm Milan in the summer you can play at North Park nearly every Sunday, and when we comes across pictures of this kind, we think something like

Lightning in the park outside of Moscow (photo: ChessBase )

Enthusiasts chess players who play outside, curious passers-by who stop to look, everything seems normal, except that the site is not Milan, but Moscow and the fans, so frequent in our country, they become standardized GM!

So you can see Grischuk, Morozevich, Karjakin, Malakhov, the Kosteniuk GM and a host of strangers in our house would do the lion's share. Ladies and gentlemen, we are not in Italy, but in Russia!

Grischuk, the guest of honor and Karpov Morozevich (Photo: ChessBase )

The event was won by 17 points with Grischuk, Morozevich seconds e Karjakin con 16.5. Alla premiazione l’ormai immancabile Karpov.

Qualche bella foto tratta dal sito www.chessbase.com

Malakhov Vs Morozevich

Alexander Grischuk

Alexandra Vs Alexander

Malakhov Vs Karjakin

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Long For Temazepam To Work

List Fide to September 1

01.09.2009 Classico appuntamento trimestrale con l’aggiornamento dell’ elo, alcuni giocatori hanno perso molto altri hanno recuperato i punti perduti in passato vediamo chi sale e chi scende in questa Top 20.

La Top 20

Le prime due positions have not changed, because they have lots Topalov and Anand assets. Very nice duel for third place with Aronian who has only one point on his pursuers Carlsen and Kramnik, in the light of recent discoveries , I would say that Magnus is a candidate to go pretty well ... I'm glad

recovery Ivanchuk of that in the previous list was incredibly down to share in 2703 slipping thirtieth position, obviously the champion of Ukraine it was an unfortunate parenthesis. From reports the good progression of Nigel Short, who at age 44, jumped from place 44 to 29 with an elo end of 2706!

Among the worst, Kamsky, down from 18 th to 38 th place, does not stop even the descent of Adams is now at an altitude of 2682 and 50th in the world. I would also performers, not, a fan of our own tournaments, Fedorchuk losing 12 points, slipping to 98th in the world risk expulsion of the Top 100.

also shows the elo rankings category.

The Top 20 Under 20

The Top 20 Women

The Top 20 Women's Under-20

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Paper Hats Funny Sayings

Donostia - San Sebastian: Nakamura Wins

16.07.2009 - Beautiful tournament played at the San Sebastian July 7 to 16, among many attractions, the return of Anatoly Karpov!

Unfortunately for the fans now old former world champion Karpov results were not the height of his fame, age accounts for all, and so close Anatoly last with just 1 point and half to 9 and no victory. To appreciate, however, the desire and the courage to go still in the game.

The old lion, Anatoly Karpov (photo: www.chessbase.com )

The Table

As you can see from the final classification, Ponomariov and Nakamura shared the first place and the regulation provided two play-off final zip to the winner. As you know, Nakamura flash is very strong, considering his youth and the poor has not been Ponomariov will settle for second place, a dry finished the tournament 2-0.

viewed on YouTube here and below are two videos of the playoff.

Nakamura has played more slowly in the early stages, but much faster later in the game. Anyway, first decide on a place play-off with lightning does not strike me the best possible solution.

Nakamura (photo: www.chessbase.com )

Official Site -> link

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How To Stretch Welded Wire Fencing

Dortmund 2009: Kramnik wins

12.07.2009 - E 'Russian Vladimir Kramnik to win one of the strongest tournament of the year with 6.5 to 10.

Although Kramnik's victory was clear, one point more on its direct rivals, the tournament was very tight until the end, watching the final standings possiamo vedere come la maggior parte dei giocatori condivide la stessa posizione, infatti al secondo posto con 5.5 punti, troviamo Leko , Carlsen e Jakovenko , a 4 Bacrot e ultimo con 3 punti Naidisch .

Qualche considerazione numerica: l'elo medio era di 2744 punti, e il torneo era di ventesima categoria Fide, la norma di GM era fissata a 3,30 punti e quella di MI a 1,30.

Come si può vedere dalla classifica e dai risultati individuali, il torneo è stato vinto dai pareggi, il 77% delle partite è terminato con la divisione del mezzo punto e incredibilmente è stato Kramnik il giocatore più combative, 3 wins from 10 games and a performance of 2848 points!

Leko could have avoided Bacrot beat the fifth round, so as to conclude with 10 flaps (faster if you look at the total number of moves) there is little fighting tournament.

statistics by chessbase.com

The photo of the gambling hall, and with all the modern comforts

The Game Room (photo site ufficilale )

Bacrot Vs Kramnik (photo site ufficilale )

Uno sconsolato Magnus Carlsen (foto sito ufficilale )

Mi sento di fare una critica, troppo spesso i tornei di così alto livello sono rovinati da così tanti pareggi, a volte troppo brevi, che allontanano il pubblico e l'interesse verso la manifestazione.

Se un tifoso Italiano avesse deciso di vedere questi Big dal vero, e, sua disgrazia, avesse scelto il terzo round, avrebbe assistito alla Carlsen-Kramnik patta in 19 mosse, Bacrot-Jakovenko patta in 22 e la Naiditsch-Leko patta in 29.

Ad onor del vero ci sono state delle patte combattute, but also some very fast, for example, 9 of Leko draws took place in the middle of the 22/23 moves.

Someone once wanted to change things, trying to push these big to risk a bit of the board 'offering more salary to performance, or 3 points to win or even preventing the flaps agree. I do not know which way is better than the other, the fact is that we need a change.

In conclusion, we see the last round, in which he beat Kramnik Naiditsch and won the tournament.

Official Site -> link