Last Sunday, I was in the mood for experimentation .. Want to see we were at dinner with my whole family, want the gloomy weather that gives me so much inspiration, The fact is that it was time to try it: my first was born so varied Plum Cake! Fascinated by the plum cake a tour of the various cooking blog, I also have always been tempted, especially the variegated, has always fascinated me, and my little brain I have always wondered how you did that to do so, in dark and clear out .. I finally made the discovery of water hot enough break down the dough, pour first the light, then dark, and finally clear again ..
Well .. it was easier than I imagined .. But here's the recipe!
- 1 pot of plain yogurt (I used the Muller because it is less acidic)
- 1 jar of sugar
- 2 eggs
- a bit 'more di metà vasetto di olio evo
- 2 vasetti di farina 00
- un pizzico di sale
- 1 pizzico di bicarbonato
- 2 cucchiai di cacao amaro
- 1 bustina di lievito
- latte q.b.
Riscaldare il forno a 180°.
In una ciotola, mescolare lo yogurt con le uova, lo zucchero e l'olio evo, fin quando il composto risulta molto omogeneo. Setacciare la farina e aggiungerla al composto insieme al lievito, al pizzico di sale, al pizzico di bicarbonato, amalgamare tutto, se il composto fosse troppo denso, aggiungere poco per volta del latte per renderlo più fluido.
A questo punto, ricavare una small amount of dough, mix in two tablespoons of cocoa.
Grease with a little 'butter, a loaf pan, pour a clear part of the mix, without stirring, pour the mixture dark, with the remaining dough and cover clear.
Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
Before serving, let cool and remove from the mold. For the sweet tooth, sprinkle with a little 'sugar icing.
Bon appetit!
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