Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Remove Hand Brake E46

1.39 - OCCHI

Lina would never want to come to that, but that damned old woman did not leave the choice. Can not afford to approach the money. Can not enable it to advance further towards the back of the room, toward Jerry.
swallows. Then press the index on the trigger. Lina
expects the thunder of a shot that never comes. In its place, an awkward "click", and the trigger that moves on empty ... shit! is jammed!
La Sterling si volta di scatto. Sul suo volto occhi di fuoco, uno sguardo che blocca il respiro nella gola di Lina. La ragazza prova un senso di vertigine, improvvisamente le sembra che la stanza s'allunghi a dismisura come fosse un corridoio, ma anche che il volto della vecchia sia sempre lì, con quell'espressione da demonio pietrificata sul viso.
Quegli occhi... quegli occhi fissi su di lei! Sono come uno spillone piantato nel cranio, come martelli sulle tempie! Il dolore le riempie la testa, spinge sulla fronte, gli occhi lacrimano, mentre dal naso gocciola il sangue di capillari spezzati.
Yuri osserva paralizzato dall'orrore la scena, che gli scorre davanti in un innaturale silenzio. Gli occhi di Lina si gonfiano, poi, accompanied by the sound of a membrane is torn, they explode.
Lina falls screaming like a possessed all her pain, bringing his hands on empty sockets spraying blood, shaking his legs with involuntary nervous shots before losing consciousness.
Sterling Yuri looks again, motionless in front of bags full of money.
- Yuri, you're no good, off of the middle. The Russian
shaking like a leaf, unable to move. The eyes of the old, his voice ... are the eyes and the voice of his father.
- You've always been useless Yuri! - deep accented voice that comes out as a Soviet death sentence from the lips of Sterling. Mrs. mimics the gesture with his arm to bring a gun to his temple.
Yuri can not resist an invisible force compels him to take his gun. His arm folds against her will, pointing the barrel at his head. Yuri
grits his teeth, the cola cold sweat on his cheeks, down my spine: - No! Noooo! The horror
the axle. Despite being unable to control his body, is still the master of all his feelings. He feels the muscles twitch in fear when the cold press of the trigger on his finger, while the drum rotates, in the endless moments before its end.


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