Friday, October 29, 2010

My Husband And I Had A Threesome


La porta di legno lucido della camera della Sterling cede di schianto, sfondata con fare esperto da Martinez.
La stanza, arredata con vecchi mobili laccati, sembra essersi fermata agli anni cinquanta. Tutto sa di passato: il letto con la testiera intagliata, la specchiera d'ottone, le abatjour con paraluce ricamato.
Al centro della camera, nella penombra creata dalle tende socchiuse, la Sterling bambina guarda verso la porta, in posa ordinata come una scolaretta.
Joe ha un'improvvisa sensazione di smarrimento, ma con estrema freddezza realizza che se la bambina è qui non può essere nella stanza di Jerry, dove ci sono i soldi. Senza esitare il giovane pilota schizza verso la camera con la refurtiva.
Rudy resta faccia a faccia con la bambina. Non sa più a cosa credere. Non dovrebbe essere lì. Non è possibile, ma molte cose che ha visto nelle ultime ore non sono possibili. E sia.
Il veterano alza l'M16, centrando la testa della ragazzina nel mirino. Poi fa fuoco.
Nessun proiettile parte dal fucile. Il grilletto corre a vuoto.
Gli occhi della bambina lo fissano attraverso la lente. Li vede mentre lo penetrano, neri come la pece.
Un improvviso dolore invade l'addome di Rudy. E' un dolore mai provato, suffocating. The rifle fell, his legs give way. Instinctively, Martinez brings his arms in the belly, as if they could hold their suffering. With horror, she hears the guts squirm under his forearms, move like snakes in a bag.
Then the pain increased over the possible muscle tear, the skin is torn. Tentacles blacks squirting out of his belly, shaking under his eyes, devouring his insides.
Rudy sees all, feel all the terror is absolute: the dying of his greatest fear, evil inside of him. Would that be over soon, but the senses do not abandon him, panic at his side like a faithful companion.
eyes move to fatigue on a child, standing next to him looks at him and never blink.
Let me die ... Let me die ... please ...
Other tentacles make their way through the intestines, flesh and blood spilling everywhere. Rudy is the height of suffering. The mouth opens into spasm unable to scream, his eyes bloodied folding back, his fingers shaking the floorboards, nails are pierced by shards of broken wood.
Time expands, becoming Rudy's eternal agony of its end.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is It Safe To Take Temazepan At 32 Weeks


Behold, I hope I do not tell a lie, telling you that I'm back!
months have been a bit 'apathetic under the terms of culinary creations, but I hope with these sweets, to return to this great wonderful adventure.
The desire and passion are always those, I hope to find time to take you with me in this wonderful journey through the flavors of the table! Back
gently: I present the dumplings fair trade! What does this mean? On October 2, he married the cousin of my husband, as candy and gave us a mango jam fair trade .. The mango is an exotic fruit that I have met very often to sample, and this opportunity has made me curious about this product.
I decided, when I saw the jar, to prepare some delicious pastries, the tordellini, come li chiamiamo noi in toscana, ripieni appunto di marmellata di mango.
Da oggi, voglio inaugurare, inoltre, anche una nuova sezione, in onore di Gianluca, detto "Giangi", un amico di mio marito che mi segue in silenzio e che mi ha chiesto di fare una sezione dedicata a chi ha poco tempo di stare in cucina, ma non vuole perdersi il gusto e il piacere di stare a tavola: piatti veloci, ma gustosi di facile e rapida realizzazione così da accontentare tutti i palati.
Dividerò questa ricetta in due: una versione tradizionale, e una rapida, appunto per chi vuole concedersi un piccolo peccato di gola, ma senza perdersi in cucina.
Versione tradizionale:
- 450 g di 00
flour - 170 g sugar
2 eggs - 2 egg
- 1 tablespoon baking
170 g of melted butter - 1 jar of mango jam fair trade

Making the fountain with the flour, add sugar, eggs, yeast and melted butter. Mix quickly and form a ball that will put to rest for 2 / 3 hours in refrigerator.
Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
Roll out the dough, and with the help of circular cutters, get floppy.
Put a small amount of jam in the center of the disk, fold it in half moon and seal the ends: the end result is a tordellino crescent-shaped.
If you like, with two tins of diverse dimensioni, potete ricavare un' "occhio di bue", come i miei a forma di stella.
Disponete i biscottini su una placca con la carta da forno, e infornate fin quando la superficie è dorata.
Lasciate raffreddare, poi servite.
Buon appetito!!

Versione veloce:
- 2 confezioni di pasta frolla Buitoni
- 1 vasetto di marmellata di mango equo solidale.
Riscaldare il forno a 200°.
Spianare la pasta frolla, e con l'aiuto di formine circolari, ricavate i dischetti, al cui centro disporrete una piccola quantità di marmellata di mango. Richiudete a forma di mezzaluna, sigillando i bordi.
Disponte i biscottini sulla carta forno in una plate, and bake until they are golden.
Allow to cool, then serve.
Bon appetit!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crosman Night Prowler Replacement Chargers


The amphibious Rudy crashes into Jerry's bedroom door broken. The blasts kicked spare lock everywhere.
His sense of combat, allowing to develop the situation rapidly, and to overcome the disbelief. On the bed of the head is blood everywhere: there is no hope for Jerry.
- Out! - screams turned to Greg and Joe, who did not do it twice. While fellow
slide toward the exit, Rudy raises the M16 ready to cover fire.
The girl, in front of the property stolen, the fixed wrapped in heavy clothes of Mrs. Sterling. That look
penetrates the bowel. Martinez suddenly feels a sharp pain in the abdomen, as if a snake is stirred in her womb. The terror attacks him. His coldness of soldier collapses in front of the fear of the evil within him.
beaded with sweat Rudy moves back to the entrance of the room, then escaped to the front desk to meet his companions.
Yuri and Greg are terrified, Lina will soon end if Jerry does not receive medical care.
- We gotta get out! - Greg cries.
- The money Greg! Why the hell we've done all this if we go without the money! - answered Joe. - I'm not leaving without the money, at the cost of killing that little bitch! There must be something we can do to remove them ...
- By God! Joe! Look around! Jerry died, Lina almost! Only you can fix the land rover! Let's move the fuck! - Greg insists exasperated.
- The room the old, there could be the source of this nonsense - says Rudy. Immediately after the assault thoughts.
Why did he say? What do you hope to find? What drives him to fight instead of running away? Maybe being a soldier means to fight battles not their own, demonstrate a sense of duty in any situation, fighting an enemy that could threaten their own kind, even when they are not aware of.
Or maybe Joe is right. For him, without that money, there is still no hope. Joe smiles
complicity with the veteran, while Greg shakes his head dumbfounded: - We're going to kill that bitch!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Campbells Scalloped Potatoes And Ga

1.40 - BAMBINA

* Click!
* Again, as Lina, no shot.
The gun is loaded! Yuri suddenly back in himself, realizing that in the mad Russian roulette last night he had fired the single bullet wound to his father, and then not reload your weapon. A providential oversight to say the least.
At that moment, the sudden roar of a broken door. Rudy, Joe and Greg burst into motels arms in hand. The Sterling blinks, turns away.
's just a moment, a small distraction, but that is enough to allow Yuri to rise from the corner with the bags of swag. The old
as disinterested arrival of the other three, with the focus back to the booty, ignorando anche Yuri, che aggirandola rasente al muro, si precipita su Lina che giace in una pozza del suo sangue.
Il russo afferra il corpo esanime della cinese per la giacca, trascinandolo fino nel corridoio. In quello stesso momento, gli altri compagni si affacciano sulla porta che conduce alla reception.
Sguardi increduli, frasi concitate, smarrimento si intrecciano nel tentativo di comunicare gli uni agli altri, ma forse anche a sé stessi, quello che sta accadendo.
Lina è in fin di vita... Yuri non capisce più niente... Rudy afferra per le spalle il russo cercando di farsi dare spiegazioni... Joe cerca i sacchi con lo sguardo, non ci sono...
- I soldi! Cazzo Greg, i soldi! - esclama il giovane pilota.
Senza pensarci su, Joe schizza nella stanza di Jerry, seguito a ruota dall'ex-minatore.
Quando entrano, non capiscono, faticano a realizzare.
Davanti alla refurtiva, una bambina di circa dieci anni li fissa con sguardo gelido. Attorno a lei sono sparse mazzette di dollari: è evidente che ha rovistato nei sacchi.
La ragazzina indossa quelli che per lei sono gli abbondanti abiti della vecchia. Al suo collo spicca un pendaglio nero, identico a quello visto sulla locandina con Abramo Sterling.
Joe non si fa domande. Certe cose è meglio non chiedersele. Ormai la cosa sta precipitando. Ha le allucinazioni? Sta diventando pazzo? Non importa. Deve prendere i soldi e andarsene da qui. Al resto penserà poi.
Il ragazzo rushes toward the child, to the bags. She makes a gesture with one hand.
in the eyes of stunned Greg, an invisible force throws Joe to the other side of the room, making him fly over the bed of Jerry and violent impact against the back wall.
Joe feels his ribs crack, and her mouth filled with the taste of blood. Instinctively, stunned, dragging towards the exit. Greg
just feels the urge to escape, but the bedroom door slams closed behind him with violence. The miner lost control
- Fuck you! Little slut! Crack! - yells, raising the shotgun toward the child.
Without hesitation pulled the trigger, but in those moments a sudden pressure to move his arms. The hail of buckshot
invests in a bed full of Jerry. The body of the head jerks invested rose by bullets.
Greg feels his mind reeling, while the sheets are colored in red.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Remove Hand Brake E46

1.39 - OCCHI

Lina would never want to come to that, but that damned old woman did not leave the choice. Can not afford to approach the money. Can not enable it to advance further towards the back of the room, toward Jerry.
swallows. Then press the index on the trigger. Lina
expects the thunder of a shot that never comes. In its place, an awkward "click", and the trigger that moves on empty ... shit! is jammed!
La Sterling si volta di scatto. Sul suo volto occhi di fuoco, uno sguardo che blocca il respiro nella gola di Lina. La ragazza prova un senso di vertigine, improvvisamente le sembra che la stanza s'allunghi a dismisura come fosse un corridoio, ma anche che il volto della vecchia sia sempre lì, con quell'espressione da demonio pietrificata sul viso.
Quegli occhi... quegli occhi fissi su di lei! Sono come uno spillone piantato nel cranio, come martelli sulle tempie! Il dolore le riempie la testa, spinge sulla fronte, gli occhi lacrimano, mentre dal naso gocciola il sangue di capillari spezzati.
Yuri osserva paralizzato dall'orrore la scena, che gli scorre davanti in un innaturale silenzio. Gli occhi di Lina si gonfiano, poi, accompanied by the sound of a membrane is torn, they explode.
Lina falls screaming like a possessed all her pain, bringing his hands on empty sockets spraying blood, shaking his legs with involuntary nervous shots before losing consciousness.
Sterling Yuri looks again, motionless in front of bags full of money.
- Yuri, you're no good, off of the middle. The Russian
shaking like a leaf, unable to move. The eyes of the old, his voice ... are the eyes and the voice of his father.
- You've always been useless Yuri! - deep accented voice that comes out as a Soviet death sentence from the lips of Sterling. Mrs. mimics the gesture with his arm to bring a gun to his temple.
Yuri can not resist an invisible force compels him to take his gun. His arm folds against her will, pointing the barrel at his head. Yuri
grits his teeth, the cola cold sweat on his cheeks, down my spine: - No! Noooo! The horror
the axle. Despite being unable to control his body, is still the master of all his feelings. He feels the muscles twitch in fear when the cold press of the trigger on his finger, while the drum rotates, in the endless moments before its end.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is Crisco Shortening Good For Skin

1.38 - QUA LA MANO

Greg takes aim and fires. The deep roar that accompanies the explosion of Pink is followed by the wail of buckshot wounded animal. The former miner opens the barrel up to the firing pin and replace the cartridges as quickly as possible.
Rudy gives support with machine gun, the other window.
- go away! - victorious exclaims the veteran, noting how many killings are putting to flight the pack. They spend long minutes, while the three aspects that dogs are far away, invisible in the haze that fills the campaign.
- Joe, Greg, come on, come on! We fix the damn cars and let's get this place forgotten by God!
Without hesitation, the three removed the benches that were blocking the door d'ingresso. Armi alla mano escono, e cominciano a correre nella neve giù dalla collinetta, verso il cancello d'ingresso. Il freddo pungente è uno schiaffo, il nevischio sferza le guance.
Improvvisamente un tonfo sordo alle spalle di Greg e Rudy li costringe a fermarsi di colpo. Quando si girano, Joe si agita prono nella neve, tentando di rialzarsi da una maldestra caduta. Nonostante tutto, la scena riesce a strappare una risata di scherno a Martinez: - Ehi, pilota! A furia di andare in macchina hai disimparato a correre? Ah ah ah!
Joe sputa la neve per parlare: - Vaffanculo Rudy! Mi si è impigliata la gamba in qualcosa, qualche cazzo di radice di qualche cazzo di albero!
Con uno strattone Cooper tira l'arto imprigionato per liberarlo. La neve si smuove, e anche il terreno.
Un braccio, sporco di terriccio, violaceo nel bianco manto che ricopre il terreno. Una mano gli stringe la caviglia.
Joe non poteva essere pronto a una simile visione. Il gelo gli riempie la mente, paralizzandogli il respiro. Un terrore ancestrale, la paura allo stato puro, s'insinuano nelle sue vene scatenando l'adrenalina.
- Cazzo! Cazzo! Che cazzo è?!! - d'istinto Joe comincia a percuotere l'arto che l'imprigiona con il candelabro rimediato in chiesa, all'altezza dell'avambraccio.
La pelle si spacca senza sanguinare, il muscolo si lacera come poltiglia, scoprendo le ossa. Una seconda, a third, a fourth do not spare percussion ulna and radio, that break as the arm bends soft and unnatural, and the socket is not. Rudy looks petrified
the scene, while Joe gets up, Greg has a retch ... the arm moves ...
- Away, away, away! Retrieve the other and let's go!

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Long Does A Relaxer Last After It Is Opened


Toc ... toc ... toc ...
- Who is it? - asked Lina. Instinctively, you pass a hand on his holster with his Beretta semi-automatic, hidden under his jacket, as if to make sure it is still there.
- It's me, dear.
The unmistakable voice of the lady Sterling hits. They will also suggestive of last night, but Lina is that there is something disturbing about her. However, dispels malevolent thoughts and answers it.
- What is it, madam?
- Oh, nothing. Just wondering if you needed anything, since your friend is still sick.
- No ma'am, we'll get it this way - Lina replied, politely.
An awkward silence descends into the room. Lina and Yuri would have expected the old man returned to the reception, and instead stays there, impaled and smiling at the door of the room.
- Lady - Yuri debut, breaking the deadlock - in fact our friend Jerry would appreciate a nice lemonade calda, visto che non si è ancora ripreso dalla sbronza... Sarebbe così gentile da preparargliene una? Lei fa degli infusi così deliziosi!
Il tono esageratamente cortese e adulatorio strappa un sorriso ancora più grande alla vecchina.
- Ma certo, caro! Vado subito! - ma nonostante l'affermazione decisa, la Sterling non muove un solo passo fuori dalla porta.
Anzi, lentamente strascica le proprie ciabatte *dentro* la stanza, sorpassando e dando le spalle a Lina, con lo sguardo puntato verso la refurtiva.
Yuri si pone di scatto davanti ai sacchi.
- Ehi, signora, dove pensa di andare? - chiede intimidatoria Lina - Si fermi!
Ma la Sterling it seems as if in a trance, and Lina completely ignoring his advances with Yuri and shuffled toward the money.
The Russian looks and feels to be paralyzed by those wide eyes staring at him, as if passing through their focus was indefinitely without the blinking tumbling even for a few moments to give back to humanity in the face contract smile of a stone. Lina
plunges his hand under his jacket and pulls out his gun, pointing straight ahead towards the shoulder blades of the old: - Lady, did not hear me?! Stop!