Here we are at the first appointment with the angle of the Master, the exciting new book with which I want to dissect some aspects of this ungrateful "Profession"!
My intention is to publish a series of articles which will review a number of management aspects of the game, the deployments, considerations that I introduced in my way of refereeing, gained through years of experience-based errors, changes and heading towards the players. Articles to share ideas and give suggestions to those who may handle the situation is similar to those in which I found myself. Articles that does not pretend to be wise one-way, but texts with which I hope to spark a constructive discussion with those who frequent the blog, because, how much experience you have, you never stop learning and the world is full of good ideas waiting to be evaluated.
However, since this is the first in a (hopefully) long series of posts, I want to open the issue lightly, sharing with you one of the rules of the game's most successful ever.
Raise your hand if you have never been in a situation like this. Imagine such a scene of direct speech between a PG and a stubborn guard who does not want to be convinced of what the character is trying to explain. Suddenly in the middle of discussing a player comes up with the exclamation "Look 'I'm shit!" but later denied when the DM is going to do fly the guard ( "but nooo! Did not say the PG, it was my opinion as a player!" ) How many
Sometimes a player readily portrayed action already declared, had said, citing the fact that the character never spoke but the player, having noticed the glances of DM?
Well, my DM is over for this uncertainty. The time the days when players could afford to open his mouth without thinking! We have players of their responsibilities!
The solution to all your problems is ... (* Ta-ta-ta-taaaan! *)
the NUT-cock!
This rule provides that when there is probable then retracted the statement, the player rolls 1d12 (that being historically the most die inutile, prende in questo modo un minimo di dignità). Se il risultato è "1", il personaggio viene colto da subitaneo raptus di follia ed esegue immediatamente l'azione dichiarata e ritrattata, qualunque essa sia. Ma soprattutto, ne subisce le conseguenze (*risata malefica*)!
A parte gli scherzi, il DADO-CAZZATA è un sistema semplice e divertente per limitare situazioni di metagame! Inoltre posso assicurare per esperienza personale che il famigerato "1" uscirà sempre e comunque seguendo le leggi di Murphy, generando situazione tragicomiche in cui vedrete i vostri giocatori impegnati nel riparare ai danni da loro stessi causati (e dove voi come master sarete giustificati ad essere un po' bastardi)!
Try it. You will not regret!