Yes, because all this? It can not do without?
The answer is yes. You can avoid. However, in many
already apply a system of group management, but they do it unconsciously.
The motivation that led me to implement a management system is the growth of the game. I found that organize and give a system has significantly improved the quality of my games.
Some people enjoy themselves (and network if they are many) to play off the cuff, as it is, I try to go qualche ora. L’ho fatto anche io, per anni. Ma poi succedeva sempre che per un motivo o per l’altro i gruppi si disgregavano, le campagne restavano a metà, io stesso perdevo lo stimolo iniziale che mi aveva fatto partire in gran carriera.
Per quanto venga spesso sottovalutato, il GDR non è un passatempo economico, ed esige il suo prezzo. Su questo aspetto mi ha fatto molto riflettere un articolo di Ursha, che potete trovare qui .
Ne ho dedotto che se il GDR non viene giocato con efficacia, se il livello del gioco rimane piatto, se non si ha la chiara percezione di migliorare la qualità delle proprie partite, pian piano l’entusiasmo tende a svanire.
E quando se ne va l’entusiasmo, iniziano problems, because every other activity passes right in front of the gaming group, be it girlfriend, university, work and sports.
Can you fit the commitments of several people (usually 4-7 people, having the average composition of a party game) is not simple, and even a couple of defections undermines the continuity of a group.
This is not a criticism of the players that give priority to other aspects of their lives, or to the Master who can not stimulate them enough. Simply put, when this happens, it means that a person is no longer willing to pay that price (in terms of time and effort) to get that satisfaction from Entertainment generated in the game.
E 'this is why I think that organize and create a virtuous cycle of improvement that meets the expectations of all members of the group increases its longevity.
In my experience (although the above mentioned problems are partly inevitable), I found that they have benefited in many ways, from the participation of players, the management of relations between them (for better or for worse), the quality of narrative history . The result of that is the Whisper Even that is giving me his satisfaction (including the Master has a right to!).
Here, these are my reasons.
Create and maintain an operating system is not a job recently, in particular the Master, which - as usual - lies with the bulk of the commitment. However, it is mandatory to have everything at once. Better do a little step at a time, trying to organize and fix one thing at a time, as established and move to the next.
But now no more talk. In the next articles will pass to practical examples, entering into the details of what it means to apply the ISO 9001 in the role play.
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