Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On Seasonique And Have Brown Discharge

Stranger Eyes of the Horse

23.02.2010 - We often arrive at the board and having the pieces to give a more unified, the classic -fitted, many pieces are symmetrical, then there is no where to place them , designed for pedestrians, towers, and the woman, the bishops generally have them look that way in the deployment opponent, the song more special is the Horse, which can be oriented in various ways. The official regulation does not address the issue, then his gaze is totally free.

Personally I like to keep them with an eye to the left, both of White than Black I did some research to see how the Department of Chess guiding their horses.

Kasparov agrees with the eyes of a horse left.

Karpov keeps them looking to the left of White

and sometimes to the right of Black

Fischer does not seem to give great importance to the horse, but you know it was not his favorite track .

The horse looks ahead

Viewpoints on

Svidler and Grischuk agree with the horse in front.

Anand looking ahead

Anche Topalov guarda avanti

Sembra che la vecchia generazione abbia preferito il cavallo rivolto di taglio, mentre la nuova lo predilige frontale. Ma…

ad incrocio, come Bobby! Allora si, caro Magnus, hai un futuro!

Concludo con una curiosità, per i computer tutti i programmatori sono stati concordi con la seguente disposizione, la stessa usata sui libri di scacchi.


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