17.02.2009 - recently I've been studying a series of annotated games. Among these, I happily revised Karpov vs Miles, Skara (Sweden), 1980.
was in progress European Team Championships, the Soviet Union had to face England in the first 29 year-old chess world champion, Anatoly Karpov had to play against the 25-year- Anthony John Miles, who holds an interesting record, in 1976 he obtained from the FIDE Grandmaster title, becoming the first chess player in the UK, by birth, to receive this award.
Tony was already known to be a chess imaginative, creative and original, not at all intimidated by his more famous opponent, Miles, in that game, played the rare Defense Baker, 1. e4 a6, renamed by him Defense San Giorgio, dalla leggenda di San Giorgio e il Drago.
Essa narra che in una città chiamata Selem , in Libia , vi era un grande stagno , tale da poter nascondere un drago , che, avvicinandosi alla città, uccideva con il fiato tutte le persone che incontrava. Gli abitanti gli offrivano per placarlo due pecore al giorno, ma quando queste cominciarono a scarseggiare furono costretti a offrirgli una pecora e un giovane tirato a sorte.
Un giorno fu estratta la giovane figlia del re, la principessa Silene . Questi terrorizzato offrì il suo patrimonio e metà del regno , ma la popolazione si ribellò, avendo visto morire tanti suoi figli. Dopo otto giorni di tentativi, il re alla fine dovette cedere e la giovane si avviò verso lo stagno per essere offerta al drago.
In quel momento passò di lì il giovane cavaliere Giorgio, il quale saputo dell'imminente sacrificio, tranquillizzò la principessa, promising intervention to prevent his brutal death. When the dragon came out from the water, and staining fire and smoke by nostrils , George was not frightened and ran him through with his spear , wounding him and knocking him to the ground.
Then he said to the princess of Silene and do not be afraid to wrap his belt to neck of the dragon, who followed him obediently as a dog, to the city. The inhabitants erano atterriti nel vedere il drago avvicinarsi, ma Giorgio li tranquillizzò dicendo loro di non aver timore poiché « Iddio mi ha mandato a voi per liberarvi dal drago: se abbraccerete la fede in Cristo, riceverete il battesimo e io ucciderò il mostro ».
Allora il re e la popolazione si convertirono e il cavaliere uccise il drago e lo fece portare fuori dalla città trascinato da quattro paia di buoi .
Come direbbe un compianto comico dei nostri tempi "Signor Karpov, excuse the comparison between the puppy and the World Champion, "but so 'is on that occasion the young Dragon Rider Miles killed Karpov in a game passed into history.
you imagine Karpov's face after his opponent made the move a6, no? Miles Keene left and fortunately, in the commentary of the match, the feelings of the moment.
After a few moments of hesitation, I looked Karpov's face as he walked back to the board, there has been no reaction. With regard to the public, however, is another matter. The arrangement of the audience was not the most comfortable, so at the beginning they found only a few of the moves made, but after someone began to report and indicate what was happening, he started a murmur of astonishment, "I thought that the championship of the school of Skara would not be here until next week"
Before seeing the game, I would add that the name comes from the use Defense Baker a stranger, that J. Baker, made simultaneously against the great Wilhelm Steinitz in 1868, that game was won by Baker! Today, this openness is no longer used, at least medium-high, sleeping, sooner or later will be awakened by some other knight.
Da tempo malato di diabete, Miles è morto il 12 Novembre del 2001, all'età di 46 anni, per un arresto cardiaco.
Tony Miles: "It's Only Me"
Un affascinante e divertente collezione delle sue partite, articoli, annotazioni e commenti del primo GM della Gran Bretagna. E' il libro che Tony Miles avrebbe scritto se non fosse morto così prematuramente nel 2001. Comprende anche la famosa partita contro Karpov, con l'apertura St. George's 1 e4 a6. Quasi tutte le partite hanno annotazioni di Tony, nel suo stile inimitabile. Oltre ad essere uno dei più great players of the England team, Tony was, as this book demonstrates, one of the funniest writers.
Chapter 7 of the book bears the title of "I Heard That Karpov felt insulted by my choice of opening" (I've heard that Karpov was offended at the opening of my choice).
Trivia: The book title is an anagram of his name!
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