Friday, February 26, 2010

Cooking Lessons At Home

26.02.2010 Chi and what are they doing? I carry notes from their authors' official website

Ezio Montalbini and Ugo Venetians have for years been active in the chess world as collaborators of the most important events in Italy.

Among the most prestigious events with which they have collaborated include different final of the Italian Championship Team, Student Sports Games, the Italian Under-16 Championship, as well as most of the major tournaments in recent years: the recent European Championships U18 ( Freeze 2009) and Senior World Championships (Condino Arvier 2009 and 2006), tournaments Bratton, Porto San Giorgio, San Marino, Arco di Trento, Clairvaux, Falconara Senigallia and many many more!

Their primary purpose is the promotion of chess through collaboration with chess events throughout the country, thanks to the experience they gained during decades of top-level events, including those in Italy, providing the equipment for implementation of the tournaments and active in first person during the events themselves.

Scacchirandagi features:

50 DGT chess clocks with relative
300 sets of wooden pieces
100 chess wooden chess
250 plastic
250 digital watches mechanical watches

of course all the material you intend to regulate tournament (55x55 cm and chess pieces in wood 85/95 mm lead)


1 Giant outdoor chess board with set 32 \u200b\u200bpieces (with King 64 cm, base diameter 24 cm)
2 projectors
3 educational arena wall

If you are organizing a tournament and you need equipment, you just have to contact them!

Official Website -> link

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On Seasonique And Have Brown Discharge

Stranger Eyes of the Horse

23.02.2010 - We often arrive at the board and having the pieces to give a more unified, the classic -fitted, many pieces are symmetrical, then there is no where to place them , designed for pedestrians, towers, and the woman, the bishops generally have them look that way in the deployment opponent, the song more special is the Horse, which can be oriented in various ways. The official regulation does not address the issue, then his gaze is totally free.

Personally I like to keep them with an eye to the left, both of White than Black I did some research to see how the Department of Chess guiding their horses.

Kasparov agrees with the eyes of a horse left.

Karpov keeps them looking to the left of White

and sometimes to the right of Black

Fischer does not seem to give great importance to the horse, but you know it was not his favorite track .

The horse looks ahead

Viewpoints on

Svidler and Grischuk agree with the horse in front.

Anand looking ahead

Anche Topalov guarda avanti

Sembra che la vecchia generazione abbia preferito il cavallo rivolto di taglio, mentre la nuova lo predilige frontale. Ma…

ad incrocio, come Bobby! Allora si, caro Magnus, hai un futuro!

Concludo con una curiosità, per i computer tutti i programmatori sono stati concordi con la seguente disposizione, la stessa usata sui libri di scacchi.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Studless Vs Studdable Tires 2010

Video Lessons Job Sepulveda

19.02.2010 Youtube è una fonte inesauribile di video, questa settimana ne ho selezionati tre del MF Job Sepulveda, che seppur semplici sono altamente istruttivi, sono molto chiare le spiegazioni del MF Job, anche grazie alla facilità di comprendere la sua lingua, molto simile alla nostra.

Tutti e tre trattano di Finali, i primi due di finali elementari, il matto con Re e Torre e il matto con i Due Alfieri , nell'ultimo video invece è trattato molto bene il concetto di opposizione laterale.

Il Matto con Re e Torre

Il Matto con i Due Alfieri

last video I show, explains the concept of the opposition side, look carefully because it is much more demanding of the two previous videos.

Opposition Side

Have a good weekend and please, be careful not to do tablas! :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How To Get A Lot Of Points For Poptropica

Karpov vs Miles: The Dragon and the Knight

17.02.2009 - recently I've been studying a series of annotated games. Among these, I happily revised Karpov vs Miles, Skara (Sweden), 1980.

was in progress European Team Championships, the Soviet Union had to face England in the first 29 year-old chess world champion, Anatoly Karpov had to play against the 25-year- Anthony John Miles, who holds an interesting record, in 1976 he obtained from the FIDE Grandmaster title, becoming the first chess player in the UK, by birth, to receive this award.

Tony was already known to be a chess imaginative, creative and original, not at all intimidated by his more famous opponent, Miles, in that game, played the rare Defense Baker, 1. e4 a6, renamed by him Defense San Giorgio, dalla leggenda di San Giorgio e il Drago.

Essa narra che in una città chiamata Selem , in Libia , vi era un grande stagno , tale da poter nascondere un drago , che, avvicinandosi alla città, uccideva con il fiato tutte le persone che incontrava. Gli abitanti gli offrivano per placarlo due pecore al giorno, ma quando queste cominciarono a scarseggiare furono costretti a offrirgli una pecora e un giovane tirato a sorte.

Un giorno fu estratta la giovane figlia del re, la principessa Silene . Questi terrorizzato offrì il suo patrimonio e metà del regno , ma la popolazione si ribellò, avendo visto morire tanti suoi figli. Dopo otto giorni di tentativi, il re alla fine dovette cedere e la giovane si avviò verso lo stagno per essere offerta al drago.

In quel momento passò di lì il giovane cavaliere Giorgio, il quale saputo dell'imminente sacrificio, tranquillizzò la principessa, promising intervention to prevent his brutal death. When the dragon came out from the water, and staining fire and smoke by nostrils , George was not frightened and ran him through with his spear , wounding him and knocking him to the ground.

Then he said to the princess of Silene and do not be afraid to wrap his belt to neck of the dragon, who followed him obediently as a dog, to the city. The inhabitants erano atterriti nel vedere il drago avvicinarsi, ma Giorgio li tranquillizzò dicendo loro di non aver timore poiché « Iddio mi ha mandato a voi per liberarvi dal drago: se abbraccerete la fede in Cristo, riceverete il battesimo e io ucciderò il mostro ».

Allora il re e la popolazione si convertirono e il cavaliere uccise il drago e lo fece portare fuori dalla città trascinato da quattro paia di buoi .


Come direbbe un compianto comico dei nostri tempi "Signor Karpov, excuse the comparison between the puppy and the World Champion, "but so 'is on that occasion the young Dragon Rider Miles killed Karpov in a game passed into history.

you imagine Karpov's face after his opponent made the move a6, no? Miles Keene left and fortunately, in the commentary of the match, the feelings of the moment.

After a few moments of hesitation, I looked Karpov's face as he walked back to the board, there has been no reaction. With regard to the public, however, is another matter. The arrangement of the audience was not the most comfortable, so at the beginning they found only a few of the moves made, but after someone began to report and indicate what was happening, he started a murmur of astonishment, "I thought that the championship of the school of Skara would not be here until next week"

Before seeing the game, I would add that the name comes from the use Defense Baker a stranger, that J. Baker, made simultaneously against the great Wilhelm Steinitz in 1868, that game was won by Baker! Today, this openness is no longer used, at least medium-high, sleeping, sooner or later will be awakened by some other knight.

Da tempo malato di diabete, Miles è morto il 12 Novembre del 2001, all'età di 46 anni, per un arresto cardiaco.

Tony Miles: "It's Only Me"
Un affascinante e divertente collezione delle sue partite, articoli, annotazioni e commenti del primo GM della Gran Bretagna. E' il libro che Tony Miles avrebbe scritto se non fosse morto così prematuramente nel 2001. Comprende anche la famosa partita contro Karpov, con l'apertura St. George's 1 e4 a6. Quasi tutte le partite hanno annotazioni di Tony, nel suo stile inimitabile. Oltre ad essere uno dei più great players of the England team, Tony was, as this book demonstrates, one of the funniest writers.

Chapter 7 of the book bears the title of "I Heard That Karpov felt insulted by my choice of opening" (I've heard that Karpov was offended at the opening of my choice).

Trivia: The book title is an anagram of his name!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vaseline Masterbation

Patta Theoretical and Vittoria Practice

09.02.2010 - 's not a secret recipe on how to win a theoretical position of flap, because, as we all know, is not possible. Rather we testare le conoscenze del nostro avversario per verificare se conosce o meno quella posizione di patta teorica, delle volte potremmo restare "piacevolmente sorpresi" :)

Giovedì 4 Febbraio, partita di circolo, di Bianco ho affrontato una Caro-Kann ben giocata dal mio avversario e, dopo una lunga battaglia, la posizione sulla scacchiera assume i contorni di una nota patta teorica.

Muove il Bianco

Il pedone di Cavallo è un pedone molto particolare nei finali di Torre, quasi mai rappresenta un vantaggio. In questa posizione si potrebbe siglare la patta, come vorrebbero i sacri testi, ma per il Bianco giocare non comporta alcun rischio.

Analizziamo, we have a pawn advantage, but the King long way, even the black king is not particularly close, we must choose between two concrete ideas, move the pawn on b5 to our King, or take in the Tower and the pawn on b7 b8?

In this game I chose the second option (also the first option leads to a draw), so I played 1.Tb8

The Black flap with a lot of moves, if not all (!) Except the only two that put the tower into the socket) but we play with logic and select the most natural. As long as the b7 pawn is, there is no need to put behind the tower, then 2. ... Rf7 is a move giusta.

Portando il pedone in b7 si crea la minaccia tattica di torre via scacco e anche se in presa, quando viene catturata, si può promuovere il pedone. Per capirci osserviamo questo ipotetico diagramma.

Se la mossa fosse al Bianco, Tf8+ vincerebbe, poiché dopo Rxf8 si promuove a Donna con un altro finale teorico, ma vinto per chi possiede la Donna.

Questo ci fa capire che, quando il pedone bianco raggiunge la casa b7, è necessario portare la Torre del Nero dietro a tale pedone, e così è andata… dal diagramma senza frecce sono state giocate le mosse 3. b6 Tb4 4. b7 , raggiungendo questa position.

The move is that Black must avoid 1) remove the tower from behind the pawn, 2) bring the King on the 6th rank, because in both these cases, the maneuver can revert Torre-Scacco -Promotion.

There is also a third move that Black should be avoided and is the most common mistake when you do not know this final play RE7.

Logically, the move seems sensible, reasoning that the guide is "coming in c7, I eat the pawn is drawn, even if I do not because the White King rooms and when it comes to defending the pawn, I'm ... "All this reasoning collapses, because in this position, there is another trap that you can not RE7 and it is not true that if White gets to defend the pawn with the King wins. Let

after 4. RE7 ... ... ... ... you win with

5. Th8!

Now that the omelette is done! White threatens to promote the pawn and can not be taken because of TH7 + and you lose the Tower, the game is lost.

What happened? How do you draw this position? back to the diagram before RE7

happens the trap found the antidote, if the threat is Th8 play the elegant 4. ... RG7!

Bless the Black establishes a principle, not the final flap eat the pawn (the idea that it loses RE7), but this should be a flap that prevents the promotion!

The idea for Black is simple, always play Rh7-RG7 (do not come back ever since then Th8 f7 wins!), White has a unique opportunity to bring his king pawn, embark on a march that will take us to the c3 home, meanwhile the black king has ranged between h7 and g7 homes, the resulting position is as follows.

Step to Black (of course) we must save the Tower but remain behind the walker, the house is fine as that b1 b6 (b5 as well). Play 7. ... TB1

Al White does not just have to get to the house c6, then after 8. Rc4 Rh7 9. Rc5 RG7 10. Rc6 get this position

If now he could remove the White Tower from b8 win the final, but his bad luck his king has no refuge from chess after 10. Tc1 + ... the only way to escape the perpetual is closer to the Dark Tower, and here it is worth a show last possible error that might make (especially Flash). After 10. ... Tc1 + 11. RB5 Tb1+ 11. Rc4 Tc1+ 12. Rb4 Tb1+ 15. Rc3 si raggiunge questa posizione

La mossa è al Nero e non vi salti in mente di giocare 14. … Tc1+ perché dopo 15. Rb2 il Bianco vince!! Invece di Tc1, pareggia la semplice Rh7 con quanto già visto in precedenza.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Hack Microsoft Office 2003 To Original

Assemblea Studentesca PUG - Martedì 2 febbraio, ore 17:00

Hello everyone!
has been called for Tuesday, February 2 at 17:00 at the Aula Magna of the PUG Student Assembly of the University Centre of Gorizia: All students in the CIS and Architecture are invited to attend!

Odg: Issues of

>> lack of space suitable for the study group;
>> lack of drafting machines and other equipment needed for the design;
>> problems of student life in Gorizia;

> Elections 12 to 13 May 2010;

> possible creation of a Students' Council of Gorizia;

> any other business.

The Assembly wants to be above all an occasion for dialogue among all student members of the PUG, in the renewal of an office of representation.
Given the importance of the issues, it is desirable for maximum participation.

A Tuesday!