Every promise is a promise!
Behold, I revamped the look as mentioned yesterday, and once got permission to "take inspiration" from my dear friend Pati, I'm back in culinary travel!
photos are still of poor quality, a bit 'because I have to improve at all, really want to see that I enrolled in the course of my brother of photography? You never know who you learn to make decent pictures .. This picture is still done with a compact, but as soon as I learn to use the camera, I hope to surprise you with special effects!
But we move on this delight which gives its name to the post and that makes me return, I hope triumphant, in the fascinating world of food bloggers ..
It is a delicacy that I have experienced several times but I never push the innovations are, at least as far as I'm concerned, maybe there are other recipes around the world that make it so, or likewise, but for me it was really a novelty I would say that humble opinion has come really superb!
Here's how!
100 g flour - 100 g sugar
- 3 eggs
- a packet of baking powder
- 200 g dark chocolate
- 2 pears
chili powder to taste - cinnamon to taste
Heat oven to 200 degrees.
Melt the butter and mix with the sugar until the mixture is smooth, add eggs, mix well and then add the flour mixed with baking powder sifted through a sieve to prevent lumps.
I used an electric mixer to mix everything well, to make the mixture smooth and creamy.
Melt the chocolate in a bain marie and then add it to the mixture, and mix thoroughly, then add the spices, chilli and cinnamon do not overdo it col peperoncino, basta la punta di un cucchiaino da caffè, mentre per la cannella, andate a vostro gusto, io ne ho messo un cucchiaino raso da caffè.
Foderate una tortiera di circa 23 cm. di diametro con carta forno che avrete prima accartocciato, bagnato e strizzato, questo serve a renderla più facile da modellare all'interno dello stampo, versate il composto e stendetelo omogeneamente per tutto lo stampo.
Mondate le due pere, e tagliatele a fettine nel senso longitudinale della lunghezza, e disponetele nell'impasto, creando una decorazione, io le ho messe a raggera e pigiandole bene fino in fondo, così che in cottura, gonfiando rimangano nell'impasto lasciandolo soft and wet, then sprinkle the surface with sugar, once the cake is cooked, it will remain a sweet crust that will make everything very pleasant.
Bake at 200 degrees for 40 minutes, once finished cooking, check with an appetizer cooking, must come out dry!
Let stand and serve warm, if you want you can sprinkle with icing sugar, or wash it all from a nocellina of whipped cream, I preferred the natural way!
Bon Appetit!