Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Boxing Robe Vancouver


The church stands atop a small mound, a hillock on which the snow hides the pavement, which is supposed to run from the old wrought iron gate to the gates of dark wood.
All around, gravestones and crosses in the cemetery of the village surrounding the building, in the traditional manner of small parishes.
- This is disturbing - says Rudy. His breath condenses on contact with cold air, giving the impression that the words freeze in being handed down, becoming heavy as boulders.
- The shed should be on the back of the church, let's move - Joe said, walking among the graves. Greg
terminating the line. And 'as peculiar among all the tombstones and crosses, there is only one mausoleum. Intrigued, the former miner is approaching, leaving his companions continue to recover.
Inside the small chapel was sealed with a metal grate, enclosed with chain and padlock. Beyond the bars, a tiny flame burning funeral uncertain. Who can have on ...? asks Greg, but almost immediately found the answer: on the front wall stands on the grave il nome di Abramo Sterling; si tratta certamente della tomba di famiglia.
L'attenta osservazione di Greg viene interrotta bruscamente da uno strano rumore. L'ex minatore si volta, cercando con lo sguardo la fonte di quell'anomalo raspare nella neve, fino a quando non nota un cane, un mastino scuro che in prossimità di una tomba vicina al muro di recinzione affonda la testa nella neve e scava con le zampe anteriori.
Un'improvvisa sensazione di inquietudine assale Greg: non riesce a farsi domande, non riesce a pensare, a riflettere. Quella semplice visione di un randagio che scava in un terreno di morte risveglia paure istintive, che lo spingono a fuggire, ad allontanarsi, a raggiungere i compagni al capanno.


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