Gli occhi rossi e il nervosismo testimoniano la difficile nottata of all those gathered in the room of the head. The shortness of Jerry is a constant reminder of his condition stable, but still critical, unable to determine what can survive without medical help, without which the situation worsened to the irreparable.
- We gotta get out of here - Lina whispered, sitting on the floor with their backs to the wall and the curved legs curled up, wrapped in her own embrace.
- And how to walk? - Greg spits acid, throwing a dirty look to the girl. Then he shakes his head dramatically, to mark what it considers stupid, unnecessary and less than women.
- Of course not - Joe said, intervening to calm the situation tra i due. - Infatti è ora di farci un giro in questa cittadina dimenticata da Dio. Ci sarà pure un qualcosa, un garage, un'autorimessa, un furgone abbandonato! Almeno posso provare a rimediare qualche pezzo di ricambio di fortuna.
Il profumo del caffè irrompe improvvisamente nella camera, sorprendendo tutti.
Nella reception, una sorridente signora Sterling dispone amorevolmente la colazione sul tavolo. Caffè e latte per tutti, ognuno con la sua tovaglietta, la sua tazza capovolta, il piattino. Le fette biscottate, ordinatamente allineate al centro della tavolata, guarnite una per una con la marmellata a comporre una lettera della frase "merry christmas".
- Buongiorno dear! Come, come! Breakfast is ready! - exclaimed the hostess.
The cold gray light of day filters through the windows, mingling with the colors of flashing bulbs. The light and atmosphere of the breakfast normality seems to sweep away the anxieties of the previous night. As often happens, with the arrival of a new day thoughts and fears appear unfounded and absurd, dampened by a renewed sense of rationality. Yuri
back to the lady on the radio repaired. The Sterling is happy to tune to one of the few frequencies available, which continuously transmits the music of his youth.
- Lady - Joe debut, after having conversed for a few minuti del più e del meno - purtroppo abbiamo fretta, e dobbiamo ripartire nonostante il meteo avverso. Però ci serve un mezzo o pezzi di ricambio per il nostro fuoristrada. Qui a Brumhill non c'era un'autorimessa, o un'officina...?
- Oh, cari, che peccato che Trevor non arrivi fino a capodanno, vi avrebbe di sicuro dato un passaggio! - risponde la vecchina, desolata. - Purtroppo non ci sono officine o autorimesse... non so come aiutarvi...
All'improvviso però il volto della Sterling s'illumina: - Ma sì, certo! Che sciocca! - esclama battendosi il palmo sulla fronte. Poi, vedendo gli sguardi interrogativi dei suoi interlocutori, continua: - The clerk had a cabin on the hill behind the church down the street, where he kept his old van. When he went along with the reverend, not carried him off, because it was already ruined, and I leave it there. I am sure that no one has touched, and maybe you'll find something in the garage to repair your car!
Joe jumps up, approaches the old woman and gives her two energetic pat on the shoulder, tearing a slight grimace of pain - Thank you Grandma, this is indeed good news. Come on guys - turned to Greg and Rudy says, the two thugs team - let's get to work!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
What Does Elevated Left Hemidiaphragm Mean
Yuri is incredulous.
While impossible to give an explanation, he begins to speculate that probably think a little electro too.
- You had to keep her off the fucking radio - minimizes Joe, with his usual lightness - I'll give you change Madronich, take a nap.
The minutes of this night are eternal, and soon Joe was impatient. Walk a bit ', up and down the room. It would take a drink and a good cigarette ...
Joe leaves the room, heading for the reception.
Behind the counter, runs through the eyes of the shelf liquors. There are brands that are not even more on the market. Browse and grabs a bottle di bourbon, poi il suo sguardo viene attirato da pacchetto di toscanelli Cohiba nella rastrelliera delle sigarette. Una confezione vecchia, ormai fuori produzione, ma roba da veri intenditori.
Come diavolo ho fatto a non vederli prima...
Joe non resiste, deve prenderli. In uno slancio di onestà, lascia una banconota da 10$ sul bancone.
Tornato in camera, si siede comodamente, con le gambe appoggiate sullo scrittoio. Si versa un goccetto e accende il cohiba. Inspira. Questa è vita...
Espira. O almeno ci prova.
Il fumo gli si blocca in gola, senza volerne sapere di uscire. Joe si sforza di buttarlo fuori, prova a tossire ma non ci riesce! Istintivamente inspira, ancora di più, per prendere ossigeno, e ogni respiro produce i laceranti lamenti di chi cerca l'aria. Ogni respiro gli gonfia il petto senza poter uscire.
Joe sente i polmoni bruciare, le vene rigonfiarsi. Cade dalla sedia ribaltandosi, porta le mani al collo, si rialza. Le tempie martellano, ha l'impressione che la testa gli possa scoppiare da un momento all'altro. O morirà prima soffocato dal suo vizio?
Barcolla in cerca di una salvezza che nemmeno lui sa dove trovare, vede solo rosso. All'improvviso sente un pressione violenta all'addome, sono le braccia di Rudy che urla sputa! sputa!
Sputa cosa?!?
La stretta del veterano non fa altro che comprimere ulteriormente i polmoni, provocando a Joe un dolore indescrivibile.
When Greg comes into the room, attracted by the commotion, the eyes of Joe seems about to shoot out of their sockets, red blood to the capillaries split.
Joe feels the blood as a drum, he has no breath, feel the muscles pull the limbs, is dying, the fingers are stretched out, try the air, too, as if the nail is raised, the veins teared up, his heart exploded. Feel the blood flooding his eyes, ears, nose.
The smoke comes out. Joe tries the air, coughs. Breathe in, breathe out, regular. Joe knows, was just a matter of seconds. The distant and muffled voices of his companions are becoming more real.
long minutes pass before Joe will recover completely. Il toscanello, esaminato (e anche fumato) da Greg, risulta essere assolutamente normale.
Joe non si capacita. Prende il pacchetto di cohiba e lo straccia in mano: - Maledetta vecchia, mi hai dato una buona ragione per smettere...
Yuri is incredulous.
While impossible to give an explanation, he begins to speculate that probably think a little electro too.
- You had to keep her off the fucking radio - minimizes Joe, with his usual lightness - I'll give you change Madronich, take a nap.
The minutes of this night are eternal, and soon Joe was impatient. Walk a bit ', up and down the room. It would take a drink and a good cigarette ...
Joe leaves the room, heading for the reception.
Behind the counter, runs through the eyes of the shelf liquors. There are brands that are not even more on the market. Browse and grabs a bottle di bourbon, poi il suo sguardo viene attirato da pacchetto di toscanelli Cohiba nella rastrelliera delle sigarette. Una confezione vecchia, ormai fuori produzione, ma roba da veri intenditori.
Come diavolo ho fatto a non vederli prima...
Joe non resiste, deve prenderli. In uno slancio di onestà, lascia una banconota da 10$ sul bancone.
Tornato in camera, si siede comodamente, con le gambe appoggiate sullo scrittoio. Si versa un goccetto e accende il cohiba. Inspira. Questa è vita...
Espira. O almeno ci prova.
Il fumo gli si blocca in gola, senza volerne sapere di uscire. Joe si sforza di buttarlo fuori, prova a tossire ma non ci riesce! Istintivamente inspira, ancora di più, per prendere ossigeno, e ogni respiro produce i laceranti lamenti di chi cerca l'aria. Ogni respiro gli gonfia il petto senza poter uscire.
Joe sente i polmoni bruciare, le vene rigonfiarsi. Cade dalla sedia ribaltandosi, porta le mani al collo, si rialza. Le tempie martellano, ha l'impressione che la testa gli possa scoppiare da un momento all'altro. O morirà prima soffocato dal suo vizio?
Barcolla in cerca di una salvezza che nemmeno lui sa dove trovare, vede solo rosso. All'improvviso sente un pressione violenta all'addome, sono le braccia di Rudy che urla sputa! sputa!
Sputa cosa?!?
La stretta del veterano non fa altro che comprimere ulteriormente i polmoni, provocando a Joe un dolore indescrivibile.
When Greg comes into the room, attracted by the commotion, the eyes of Joe seems about to shoot out of their sockets, red blood to the capillaries split.
Joe feels the blood as a drum, he has no breath, feel the muscles pull the limbs, is dying, the fingers are stretched out, try the air, too, as if the nail is raised, the veins teared up, his heart exploded. Feel the blood flooding his eyes, ears, nose.
The smoke comes out. Joe tries the air, coughs. Breathe in, breathe out, regular. Joe knows, was just a matter of seconds. The distant and muffled voices of his companions are becoming more real.
long minutes pass before Joe will recover completely. Il toscanello, esaminato (e anche fumato) da Greg, risulta essere assolutamente normale.
Joe non si capacita. Prende il pacchetto di cohiba e lo straccia in mano: - Maledetta vecchia, mi hai dato una buona ragione per smettere...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What Are The Parts Of The Santa Maria Called
Lina prova a prendere sonno. E' l'una passata ormai.
Non si può dire lo stesso di Greg, seduto con la schiena appoggiata alla parete e lo shotgun imbracciato, gli occhi rossi per la stanchezza e la tensione.
Joe e Yuri sono andati nella stanza accanto a riposare, quella di Rudy.
Greg ripensa a quanto avvenuto poco prima. Sta seduto, al buio: solo la luce del cesso filtra attraverso la porta socchiusa. Il silenzio interrotto Jerry just by breathing hard.
much consideration, and abducted does not notice as his eyes closed by themselves, and ready to scrap the drowsiness preceding sleep.
Then, the noise of a drop it awakens, suddenly. The nerves explode, the ears listening. A fast drip coming from the bathroom, the torture, like a drill penetrates the meninges. Greg
blasphemy raises his rifle in hand, is not in itself. Open the bathroom door, banging loudly.
Lina wakes up.
The sink is clogged, and inside there is water stained with blood, in which the tap loses drip. E 'was that idiot Rudy to not let it drain. Greg swears, screams, looks insane.
- What's Greg? What is it? - asks Lina scared, rising and going to the bathroom.
- Shut up you, bitch! Leave me alone! - Greg barks, his eyes bulging. Lina
retracts trembling. And 'dangerous. And he has a gun.
Greg opens the cap, tighten the knobs of the faucet and sits down again. In the room
Martinez, Yuri whispers to himself, believing that the presence of his father can not be anything but a hallucination. It could not be him. But then ... Who was he? And those footsteps ...
His friends have decided to shift sleep despite fatigue. Yuri chose the first, to be able to sleep at night spun. But he did not sleep.
The eyes of young Russian wander in the dark room. The uneasy silence. The radio ...
Her slender fingers turning a knob, the lights, croaks ...
Frank Sinatra ... But more, much more Than This ... I did it my waaaaaay ...
- Lower, dickhead! - Joe curses, rudely awakened.
Rudy is more direct. He stands up, frowning, approaches the radio and turns it off.
... But through it all, When There Was doubt ... I ate it up and spit it out ... I face it all ...
The Voice continues to play, under the astonished gaze of Rudy.
... Stood tall and I ... The veteran
grabs lead e strappa la presa.
... I did it my waaaaaay...
La radio continua per alcuni interminabili secondi. Poi, silenzio.
Lina prova a prendere sonno. E' l'una passata ormai.
Non si può dire lo stesso di Greg, seduto con la schiena appoggiata alla parete e lo shotgun imbracciato, gli occhi rossi per la stanchezza e la tensione.
Joe e Yuri sono andati nella stanza accanto a riposare, quella di Rudy.
Greg ripensa a quanto avvenuto poco prima. Sta seduto, al buio: solo la luce del cesso filtra attraverso la porta socchiusa. Il silenzio interrotto Jerry just by breathing hard.
much consideration, and abducted does not notice as his eyes closed by themselves, and ready to scrap the drowsiness preceding sleep.
Then, the noise of a drop it awakens, suddenly. The nerves explode, the ears listening. A fast drip coming from the bathroom, the torture, like a drill penetrates the meninges. Greg
blasphemy raises his rifle in hand, is not in itself. Open the bathroom door, banging loudly.
Lina wakes up.
The sink is clogged, and inside there is water stained with blood, in which the tap loses drip. E 'was that idiot Rudy to not let it drain. Greg swears, screams, looks insane.
- What's Greg? What is it? - asks Lina scared, rising and going to the bathroom.
- Shut up you, bitch! Leave me alone! - Greg barks, his eyes bulging. Lina
retracts trembling. And 'dangerous. And he has a gun.
Greg opens the cap, tighten the knobs of the faucet and sits down again. In the room
Martinez, Yuri whispers to himself, believing that the presence of his father can not be anything but a hallucination. It could not be him. But then ... Who was he? And those footsteps ...
His friends have decided to shift sleep despite fatigue. Yuri chose the first, to be able to sleep at night spun. But he did not sleep.
The eyes of young Russian wander in the dark room. The uneasy silence. The radio ...
Her slender fingers turning a knob, the lights, croaks ...
Frank Sinatra ... But more, much more Than This ... I did it my waaaaaay ...
- Lower, dickhead! - Joe curses, rudely awakened.
Rudy is more direct. He stands up, frowning, approaches the radio and turns it off.
... But through it all, When There Was doubt ... I ate it up and spit it out ... I face it all ...
The Voice continues to play, under the astonished gaze of Rudy.
... Stood tall and I ... The veteran
grabs lead e strappa la presa.
... I did it my waaaaaay...
La radio continua per alcuni interminabili secondi. Poi, silenzio.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Elizabeth's Hair Winnipeg
My dear friend Deborah same name and reached its first 100 supporters and its first 30,000 visits! CONGRATULAZIONIIIIII!
Debora is a dear girl and her little hands out gold always delicious dishes, I recommend for those who do not yet know, to make a detour in her delicious blog, your palate will be pleasantly surprised! To celebrate the 100
supporter, Deborah decided to make a surprise .. Join!
's simple:
- ESSERE O DIVENTARE SOSTENITORI DEL SUO BLOG (solo se diventate sostenitori, non si fanno eccezioni di nessun tipo)
Il tutto entro il 30 settembre!!
Che aspetti? Non perdere tempo, Festeggia anche tu la felicità di Debora!!
My dear friend Deborah same name and reached its first 100 supporters and its first 30,000 visits! CONGRATULAZIONIIIIII!
Debora is a dear girl and her little hands out gold always delicious dishes, I recommend for those who do not yet know, to make a detour in her delicious blog, your palate will be pleasantly surprised! To celebrate the 100
supporter, Deborah decided to make a surprise .. Join!
's simple:
- ESSERE O DIVENTARE SOSTENITORI DEL SUO BLOG (solo se diventate sostenitori, non si fanno eccezioni di nessun tipo)
Il tutto entro il 30 settembre!!
Che aspetti? Non perdere tempo, Festeggia anche tu la felicità di Debora!!
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