Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Los Hombre Paco Streaming


27 marzo 2009 - 27 marzo 2010 = 1 anno!!

Ebbene sì!! Il blog di Lufantasygioie compie 365 giorni di vita! Un anno che la cara Lu ci allieta e delizia con le sue meravigliose creazioni!! Quale miglior modo per festeggiare questo importantissimo avvenimento? La cara Lu, ha indetto un Blog Candy!! Per partecipare e soprattutto festeggiare insieme a lei bisogna rispettare alcune piccole regole:
1) To be or become supporters of the blog
2) Leave a comment post go only to find that under the label GAMES on March 27, 2010 and entitled: First compliblog: the prize you choose!
3) Write what you want if you receive one of the winners: peyote, swarovski, lampwork, semiprecious stones, 1 / 2 crystals, pearls Renaissance wax, glass ... so whatever you want except what must
4 ) The game does not expire in time, but will stop when the counter reaches 20,000 visits
5) Put the link and logo of the giveaway in your blog so that others can participate.
Non adempiere ad una di queste regole porta alla cancellazione dal gioco!!! Troverete la Moderazione commenti attivata, il vostro commento riceverà da Lu un numero progressivo in base all'orario e al giorno in cui l'avrete lasciato....
Saranno ammessi solo 90 partecipanti.
I premi saranno 5, e saranno i numeri estratti sulla ruota di Venezia del giorno in cui il contatore raggiungerà 20.000 visite!
E' importante che lasciate un indirizzo dove Lu possa rintracciarvi in caso di problemi!!!
Facciamo un grosso augurio alla mia carissima amica Lufantasygioie, per questo importantissimo tragurado, e a voi tutti.... BUON BLOG CANDY !

Red Circle Bullseye Ringworm Dog


think, "This has completely Sbrocco, now autopremia .."
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .. No, do not worry, there are still so burnt!
instead I thank my dear friend Deborah of the blog "Diary of my kitchen", which has honored me with this wonderful prize!
I want my turn to give this award to the very special friend who always brighten my days:

- sugar and cinnamon in the kitchen one day blog
- patios blog the wooden spoon
- betty's blog Home betty
- micaela of the hamster blog greedy

Again a big thanks to my dear Deborah, and all of you who contribute every day to grow this blog with your visits and your comments!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots In San Francisco


I have always heard of bourguignon, and its presentation is undoubtedly the most famous meat.
I am a lover of fish, and I have wanted try a reinterpretation of the classic bourguignon, substituted for beef tenderloin, fish fillets with the stuzzicantissimi.
successful experiment, really delicious, was a hit! I offer my
bourguignonne fish ..

Ingredients 4:
- 400 g shelled shrimp
- 400 g salmon fillets
- 200 g of sea bream Atlantic
- 200 g fillet of whiting
- 300 g of tuna loins
- 200 g of shrimps
- 200 g cuttlefish cut into strips
tartar sauce - tuna sauce
green sauce - sauce bourguignon
cocktail sauce - 200 g of artichoke hearts
- half a large potato
- 1.5 liters of oil

frying For the batter:
- 00
150g flour - 2 eggs
a pinch of salt - 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- half a glass of lager

Clean the fish under running water and dry well with the paper assorbente.
Tagliare a cubetti il tonno e il salmone, e ricavare dei filetti dal merlano e dal dentice.
Se li disponete, mettete i filetti di pesce in piatti da antipasto, o semplicemente in piatti da pizza.
Disponete in piccole ciotoline, le diverse salse che a momento opportuno, posizionerete su un vassoio intorno al set da fonduta e da cui i commensali potranno attingere i vari gusti.
In una ciotolina a parte, tagliate a metà i cuori di carciofo.
Almeno due/tre ore prima, procedete alla preparazione della pastella nel modo che segue: mescolate insieme la farina, i due rossi d'uovo, la birra, il sale e l'olio, e amalgamate fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo. Coprite con la pellicola trasparente, e mettete a riposare in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Heat the oil in a pan, when hot put in the bottom of the fondue sets from the half-peeled potato, pour over the hot oil, and turn on the stove to keep the oil temperature. When you're about to serve, whip the egg whites and mix them into the batter.
Place the batter on the pan along with the sauces.
The advice is to just cook food at a time in the set bourguignon, otherwise the temperature drops and the oil is to the detriment of the cooking. The fish is cooked to your taste, and accompanied with the sauce that you like. Good appetite
e. .. Have fun!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Best Route Charlotte To Asheville


A great dish worthy of the best haute cuisine.

When the end of February my husband and I went to see my in-laws, mother Claudia has whetted the palate presenting this delicious dish.
It is ravioli stuffed with potatoes and bacon, flavored by the melted butter, bacon and Raspadüra fray.
Flavors Lombardi that blend well with each other, giving rise to a famous dish that is absolutely and celebrated with all the trappings of the case.

Here's the recipe, courtesy of the talented chef Claudia Mom, that you have already had occasion to taste its famous Pizzocheri.

Ingredients for 4:
- 500 g of ravioli stuffed with potatoes
- butter
taste - a few leaves of sage
- 150 gd
bacon - 100 g thinly sliced \u200b\u200bRaspadüra

Cook in boiling salted water ravioli stuffed with potatoes.
Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan, FLAVOURED with a few sage leaves, put the bacon in the blender, mixer and give some shot without reducing it to a pulp too.
Drain the ravioli and place on plates. Season with a tablespoon of melted butter flavored with sage, sprinkle with the chopped bacon previously and finally garnish with some slices of Raspadüra, letting the warmth of the face plate melt slightly.
Serve hot.
Bon appetit!

Trivia: The


It 's a typical cheese of Lodi: they are thin sheets, very young leaves of cheese, cut, or rather scrape the surface of a particular shape with a knife, so as to obtain soft and long ribbons that curl up themselves.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Teckdeckbiggest Onlineskate Park


image from the web
The food matching wine can not ignore the knowledge of their chemical and organoleptic characteristics, which can significantly affect the sensations perceived at the time of tasting the food.
is certainly not a coincidence that, in our Country, traditional dishes and local wines have always gone hand in hand, complementing each other in a homogeneous mixture of sensations and tastes.
There are regions, in fact, where the traditional cuisine, based mainly on high-fat meals such as those arising from the manufacture of pork, it always has been married for wines with high acidity and presence of froth and effervescence, able to "clean "the unctuous palate due to the neutralization of the fat fraction of the food made by the acid and carbon dioxide contained in the wine. Or
others, in what refers to the tradition has always been a strong-flavored dishes, sometimes wild, they found, from time immemorial, the right combination with full-bodied wines, tannins, spicy, suitable even for prolonged aging, the only ones able to fight strongly flavored foods and persistent due to its high alcohol content, tannins and all those substances that characterize the body and structure, and that can be combined harmoniously with food, renewing, for each bite, the same feelings with the first bite.
(from: Wine ... campaign is financed with the aid of the European Union and Italy)

Eotech How Does It Work

Gnocchi alla Romana

Here I am ... new year, new layout ... and on my return foodblogger scene!
I've been away long, long time, various commitments and little things to do, but now here I am, and here we celebrate with this simple but tasty recipe: gnocchi alla romana!

not know about you, but I give the effect of cherries, one leads to another! But here are a few simple steps to make this delicious recipe!

Makes about 46 dumplings 5 \u200b\u200bcm in diameter

- 250 g semolina
1 liter of milk - 1 teaspoon salt
- nutmeg
20 g butter - 40 g of grated Parmesan cheese
- 2 egg

Put in a saucepan the milk, butter, nutmeg and salt, stir and bring to boil.
Combine the semolina, Parmesan and mix vigorously and cook for 20 minutes.
Remove from heat, add the yolks and mix well. Spread the mixture on a board with a thickness of one centimeter, and let cool for 30 minutes.
With the help of a round mold with a diameter of about 5 cm, forming disks, re-paving of a cm thick that the meal progresses by small circles.
Place the disks in a baking dish, overlapping them slightly, place the flakes of butter on the disks and sprinkle with parmesan.
Finally, bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Home Hazards Worksheet


Link to open with the thing: link1

Monday, March 8, 2010

What Is More Expensive Aquamarine Or Topaz

Kasparov vs Caruana? Chess

08.03.2010 - the news was a bit 'anywhere, for now we are talking about just rumors, but if it were confirmed it would be very attractive to us Italians.

is talk of a match, is still not fast or flash knowledge, perhaps a distance of four games, we might say a birthday gift for Fabian, given that July 30 will turn 18 years.

If it were, we could revise Kasparov in Italy and especially in Milan, since the frame is its most popular Milan, could watch the match live!

Reading messaggeroscacchi we learn that " Valerio Luciani, who with his publisher Edisco published in Italy's famous series of books by Kasparov about his" great predecessors, "he said today in Torre & Cavallo that the negotiations have entered an advanced stage and that the challenge is held over the delle quattro partite a cadenza rapida o lampo. Per eventi e personaggi di questo calibro, ovviamente il condizionale è d’obbligo fino alla firma dei contratti ."

E' interessante cercare di capire le reali chance di Caruana.

Caruana attualmente ha 2680 punti elo, Kasparov, ormai inattivo da diversi anni, viene ancora riportato nelle classifiche elo a 2812 punti. Il precedente che più fa riflettere è l'ultima esibizione di Garry, quando a settembre ha battuto Karpov per 3 a 1 proprio in partite da 25 minuti.

Ancora migliore il risultato lampo, 6 a 2, sempre contro Karpov in partite da 8 minuti.

Sembrerebbe che il giovane Fabiano non abbia possibilità di far suo il match, Garry, anche se ormai quarantasettenne, può ancora dir la sua nel panorama scacchistico. C'è poi da considerare che a Kasparov non piace proprio perdere e questo lo sanno tutti quelli che lo hanno conosciuto nell'arco della sua carriera, quindi credo proprio che se il match si farà, Kasparov si preparerà a dovere.

Caruana ha dalla sua l'età e il periodo di ascesa che sta vivendo, sembra ormai solo una formalità varcare la soglia dei 2700 punti.

Speriamo proprio che il match si faccia e di poterci essere per fare qualche bella foto!