Saturday, October 31, 2009

Aspirin Effect On Kidneys


Si avvicina la stagione fredda, e con lei tutti gli acciacchi cosiddetti "di stagione".. Il più frequente è il raffreddore, noiosissimo specialmente, almeno per me, la notte, quando il naso è intasato peggio della tangenziale all'ora di punta, si respira con la bocca e ci si ritrova con la gola secca e tutta impastata...La mia cara mamma, per aiutarmi a guarire, mi ha insegnato a farmi il vin brule', bevanda miracolosamente medicamentosa you can taste or just been in the grip of influenza, but also as a drink to warm tout court from the biting cold.
There are two ways I know to prepare for the mulled wine ': a simple, one a little more elaborate. Explain them to you both, leaving you the choice of which prefer!
Simple version
ingredients for 1 person:
- 1 cup of good red wine
- 3 tablespoons sugar
Heat the wine in a saucepan, add sugar, stir and bring to boil. With the help of a long toothpick, set fire to the wine and wait has consumed all the alcohol.
Pour into a cup and drink hot.
processed version
ingredients for 1 person:
- 1 cup of good red wine
3 tablespoons sugar - 4 cloves
- 1 cinnamon stick
Heat the wine in the heat and add the sugar, cloves and vanilla bean. Mix and bring to boil. Using a long toothpick, set fire to the wine, and let all the alcohol is consumed. Strain the wine into a cup and drink hot.
If you try it as "Posture nose to drink it hot already tucked under the covers of the bed!
If the drink tasted like, you can accompany it with some sweet pastry!
Enjoy it!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fireflies By Ron Pope Piano Music

Thanks to Lory are aware of the blog of Adrian .
Adriano was the victim of plagiarism. I think it's an ugly and unfair person performing such acts, should receive a punishment equal to that imposed on those who steal.
We are all masters of our work product of the intellect, and at least who intend to use it, should at least ask for permission.
I welcome the request of Hadrian, his posting on my blog post, a denunciation of what happened, and I urge all my readers to do likewise. Today happened to Adriano, tomorrow it could happen to anyone of us, and are always unpleasant events.
Thanks to all of you will join this initiative.


We are on the usual, forums and blogs have long been considered sites where we can draw with both hands without asking permission of any kind.

This time it's "a distinguished lady," the author (not novice) of the 'ownership unwarranted. "The October 6 was broadcast in a statement broadcast television, the new recipe lady in question, who happens to be a carbon copy of my -my-passion-are-the-dolci.html , dated 2007 and I invented out of whole cloth, taken from the blog (or a forum in which I had placed my fist), never mind the Creative Commons license http : / / / , which states clearly what you can or can not put the material posted by me and at the bottom of which beg to ask for permission before using the I have written. The MIA apple pie e mandorle oramai già gira per la rete come ricetta della nota co-conduttrice, e come tale è anche sull’archivio della rete televisiva che ospita la trasmissione.

Ma è possibile che sia talmente facile e rimanga impunita l’appropriazione del lavoro altrui, spacciandolo (addirittura su una rete di Stato) per proprio?

Mi viene il dubbio che sia così, dal momento che la signora non è nuova a questa pratica: nel lontano 2003, Lydia, di Tzatziki a colazione , vide pubblicata una sua ricetta (che per lungo tempo fu un tormentone che turned in various forums), again a simple copincolla, in a book whose author is the very lady whose recipes came from the broadcast in question. He speaks here , by the way I suggest you also try the white chocolate and lemon cake caprese, I liked a lot. It 'just so difficult to spend a few words about the authorship of others things, to safeguard the correctness of another's personal and work? In addition to these two cases, there are others which we will not at this time but a habit of denouncing the old given to this behavior to say the least unfair.

thank all those who wish linkare questo post e quello di Lydia

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Army Tank Birthday Cake


Eccomi tornata anche in questa mia creatura, ultimamente un po' abbandonata, e me ne scuso, ma l'estate prima, tremila accadimenti dopo, e di cucinare nemmeno l'ombra...In realtà qualche cosina l'ho fatta, ma ancora non l'ho postata...Spero di riuscire ad aggiornarlo con più costanza!!
Allora, per questo rientro, ho scelto il mio personalissimo ragù di pesce spada...Ve lo presento!!

ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 320 g di penne rigate
- 300 g di pesce spada a cubetti
- 4 cucchiai di olio extra vergine
- un bicchiere di vino bianco
- una cipolla bianca
- capperi dissalati qb
- 400 ml of tomato
- a measuring cup of vegetable broth

basil to taste In a skillet, heat oil and do you cook the onion, finely chopped. When it is golden. blended with white wine and add the diced sword, let them blow up quickly, then add the tomato puree, capers, measuring cup of vegetable broth and a few basil leaves, stir and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the penne in boiling salted water, drain when al dente and, once the sauce has retired, blow pens, cook for few minutes. E. Serve. Bon appetit!