Si avvicina la stagione fredda, e con lei tutti gli acciacchi cosiddetti "di stagione".. Il più frequente è il raffreddore, noiosissimo specialmente, almeno per me, la notte, quando il naso è intasato peggio della tangenziale all'ora di punta, si respira con la bocca e ci si ritrova con la gola secca e tutta impastata...La mia cara mamma, per aiutarmi a guarire, mi ha insegnato a farmi il vin brule', bevanda miracolosamente medicamentosa you can taste or just been in the grip of influenza, but also as a drink to warm tout court from the biting cold.
There are two ways I know to prepare for the mulled wine ': a simple, one a little more elaborate. Explain them to you both, leaving you the choice of which prefer!
Simple version
ingredients for 1 person:
- 1 cup of good red wine
- 3 tablespoons sugar
Heat the wine in a saucepan, add sugar, stir and bring to boil. With the help of a long toothpick, set fire to the wine and wait has consumed all the alcohol.
Pour into a cup and drink hot.
processed version
ingredients for 1 person:
- 1 cup of good red wine
3 tablespoons sugar - 4 cloves
- 1 cinnamon stick
Heat the wine in the heat and add the sugar, cloves and vanilla bean. Mix and bring to boil. Using a long toothpick, set fire to the wine, and let all the alcohol is consumed. Strain the wine into a cup and drink hot.
If you try it as "Posture nose to drink it hot already tucked under the covers of the bed!
If the drink tasted like, you can accompany it with some sweet pastry!
Enjoy it!