26.06.2009 - Although in a period not just in form, Vassily won the tournament Bazna strong, and for His fans hope will be the signal that much look forward to a speedy recovery to one of the most imaginative players' elite chess.
A Bazna, Romania, June 14 to 25 there was a large part of the best players, just think that the most was weak Nisipeanu that can still boast an elo of 2675! In the batch of participants as well as the winner, Ivanchuk , the aforementioned Nisipeanu , we find: Gelfand, Radjabov , Shirov and Kamsky
Ten rounds with round robin round-trip took only Ukrainian to win the first place, and a solitary point from the net runner, Gelfand.
Since the board can be appreciated as Vassily has won undefeated, while flaps are far too many of Radjabov, the favorite, at least as an Elo rating.
One of the most interesting matches was Ivanchuk - Shirov, playing the seventh round, won by Vassily. Publishing the diagram nel momento dell'abbandono di Shirov.
Il Bianco ha appena giocato h7 e il Nero abbandona, perché ?
La soluzione a questo quesito insieme a tutte le partite giocate commentate dal GM Ragozenco le potete trovare sul sito ufficiale della manifestazione a questo indirizzo –> link
Le partite sono disponibili anche in pdf, comode da stampare e rivedere con calma su una scacchiera reale, io ne approfitterei, non capita tutti i giorni di avere gratis i commenti di un GM.
Ora qualche foto della manifestazione, sempre dal sito ufficiale:
Ivanchuk in piena concentrazione (Photo: official website )
from the left, against Radjabov Ivanchuk (photo: official website )
A smiling Nisipeanu (photo: official website )
Gelfand (photo: official website )